“Our vision and values are at the core of everything that we do and everything that we represent.
They are at the forefront of our decision making process for every step we take along our journey as our business grows and continues to evolve.”
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AP4U is the one-stop shop point of reference for employers and their staff to go to when navigating through the minefield that is government funding for staff training. You may know there is funding available, but how to get it, how it works and how to make best use of it is another thing.
AP4U have a mission, and this is to solve your training needs and maximise the funding available to you in order for you to achieve qualifications in the work place at BEST VALUE.
We work closely with our employers and their staff and offer support, advice and guidance on how to access government funding and use it to give the opportunity of development for both the employer and the individual and achieve job relevant qualifications which benefits the employer as well as the individual.
New Apprentice recruits as well as established staff in your team can achieve qualifications which are GCSE, A Level and Degree level equivalents which are delivered at your place of work at no cost.
- How do you access this funding?
- How do you do all this at BEST VALUE?
CONTACT AP4U and we will advise you how. We will guide you through the process and ensure you have the opportunity to develop your business and your employees and use the funding available.
AP4U is entirely independent and therefore completely impartial. This means we are not directly employed by, and hence not tied into, any one training provider. You are assured to get truly independent advice and guidance on how to access the various pots of funding available without being limited to ‘one size fits all’ funded options. Our objective is to maximise funding opportunities for you, explore your requirements and solve your training needs by accessing funding that is available and deliver your training requirements at BEST VALUE.
We currently work with companies from all sectors and sizes and their employees of all ages. We can offer FUNDED qualifications appropriate for many job roles from junior level employees through to Senior Managers. Please see the Employers and Learners (employees) pages for further details.
Please CONTACT US if you are
- An employer looking to access funding
- A learner looking for funding for a qualification
- A training provider seeking learner referrals