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Level 5 Leadership & Management in Care

Level 5 Leadership & Management in Care Please please contact us today for full details about this highly regarded degree level qualification
Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Level 2 NB. Now available at NO COST. This essential qualification is for staff across many job roles. Knowing what information can be shared legally and professionally can greatly
UNDERSTANDING AUTISM LEVEL 2 New funding available for this essential qualification for all staff in the care sector and schools, further/higher education and support or therapeutic services. CONTACT US now to find out how
FOOD SAFETY LEVEL 2 AWARD. Please ask for details about this one day course which includes Food Allergy Awareness modules. CONTACT US now for full details.
Leadership and Management Level 4 and level 5 now available fully funded NO COST for all ages. This degree level qualification is highly regarded in the workplace. CONTACT US now for details.